Season: UFC Fight Night: Volkov vs. Aspinall

UFC Fight Night: Volkov vs. Aspinall

tom vs volvok

Alexander Vokov vs Tom Aspinall

Ultimate Fighting Championship fight night event, UFC Fight Night: Volkov vs. Aspinall on Mar. 19, 2022

Alexander Volkov

Alexander Volkov total fights are 43 ,34 wins, 9 Losess and draw 0. Last fight by Average Fight Time is 15:05, 33 years Alexander Volkov has Height of 6′ 7″ and maintain weight 250 lbs., reach up to 80″with Orthodox Stance

Tom Aspinal

Tom Aspinal Total Fights are 14, 10 wins, 2 Losess and draw 0,  Average Fight Time is 2.45, 28 years Tom Aspinal has Height of 6′ 5″ and maintain weight 256 lbs., reach up to 78″with Orthodox Stance.


2.33 Skill sets for Strikes Landed per Min, Alexander Volkov has Low performance in comparision, Tom Aspinal has High percentage further difference found Tom Aspinal has High 2.33% in average.

0.08 Striking Accuracy of Alexander Volkov has 0.57 Low performance but Tom Aspinal maintaining High points 0.65 with difference of 0.080%.

-0.58 Strikes Absorbed per Min. (SApM) of Alexander Volkov has High effeciency2.95 then Tom Aspinal and Tom Aspinal manage Low points, with total difference of -0.58%.

0.16 Alexander Volkov is Low Defense with 0.54 % but if we look over the past performance of Tom Aspinal assert High with total point of 0.7% total difference calculated 0.16%.


2.20 Total poinst of Takedowns Average/15 min. for Alexander Volkov are 0.53 which is Low in comparision of Tom Aspinal. But Tom Aspinal maintaing High values 2.73 in average.

0.30 Perfection in takdown for Alexander Volkov is 0.7 which is Lower then the Tom Aspinal. Tom Aspinal has High poinst of 1% with total difference of 0.3.

0.27 Takedown Defense expertise of Alexander Volkov has Low points with 0.73 and Tom Aspinal manage total 1 %.

1.30 In Submission Average/15 min., Alexander Volkov earned Low percentage of 0.1 then Tom Aspinal which is managing High performance with total difference of 1.3%.

There are the following cateories in which we found Alexander Volkov better then Tom Aspinal
Strikes Absorbed per Min. (SApM) 2.95 13

There are the following cateories in which we found Tom Aspinal better then Alexander Volkov
Strikes Landed per Min. (SLpM) 7.19
Striking Accuracy 0.65%.
Defense 0.7%.
Takedowns Average/15 min. 2.73
Takedown Accuracy 1%.
Takedown Defense 1%.
Submission Average/15 min. 1.4

Alexander Volkov Vs Tom Aspinall Prediction

Volkov is a huge guy for heavyweight and should win on paper. Tom has really good BJJ which you can see when he took down Baudot and tied up his legs or when he choked out Arlovski. I hope Tom wins by some finish on the ground but Volkov is a big guy to take down
